Thursday, March 27, 2008

Upstate Magazine

I have a fashion spread in the Spring 2008 issue of Upstate Magazine, a relatively new mag based upstate in New York. Check it out on stands March 29th, or online at!



Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Mexico

Rob and I took a mini road trip from El Paso, TX to different areas of New Mexico at the beginning of the month. The drives in between our destinations were often more interesting to me than the places themselves.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Feature in PIG Magazine

PIG Magazine, a mag based in Italy, did a feature on my Hollywood Character Series for their new issue.


"Il mondo dei sosia mi ha sempre affascinato.
Sull’Hollywood Blv, a Los Angeles, รจ possibile delle persone che per sbarcare il lunario, sono pagate per posare incessantemente come
sosia di qualche personaggio famoso. Ma chi sono costoro? hanno una vita propria o sono destinati a impersonare qualcun altro per
sempre, fino a spersonalizzarsi totalmente? Tamar Levine le ha fotografate, sottolineando con la luce la tristezza e la noia di una tale
professione, in questa serie di ritratti davvero belli, per quanto infelici. Date un’occhiata al suo sito:"


"i have always been fascinated by the world of look-alikes.
On Hollywood blvd, in LA, it is possible to find lookalikes that do it as a job.
Who are these people? do they have their own lives or are they destined to live as somebody else, forever?
Tamar Levine took a series of portraits (beautiful, yet depressing) , using light to remark the sadness and boredom of such a "job".
Check out her site:"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Cab

I shot publicity and album shots for the band The Cab, on Fueled By Ramen..Here is the front cover!

XCVI/Chris Myers Showroom

I had done a photo shoot a couple months ago for the Chris Myers Showroom and XCVI Casuals. Here are some of my faves I shot for their Fall 2008 promos.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Nine Inch Nails

I took some photos of the NIN crew during the recording of their new album. A couple of my photos are in the album PDF (which is included with the free download) and some more have been posted on the NIN Flickr page - here are the ones I took: