Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fashion Test

I shot this last week- I kind of went out of my comfort zone... I rarely shoot black and white, I usually have an environment, and I hardly have much action in my pictures. I actually am really happy with the results and am excited to start shooting like this more often!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sean and Andaye

I shot photos the other day for a new blog I started, thisisaphotoblog.com. I was thinking a couple weeks ago how I really haven't shot photos that weren't for a job in a long, long time. I thought about doing a shoot just for fun, but was uninspired. So I came up with this idea- An outlet for a group of photographers to give each other assignments and showcase them. It's hard to spend a lot of time and energy when you are busy with other work, but these assignments are meant to be fast and fun. So far so good...I hope we keep at it!