Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tear pages section!

I have spent the past week gathering and scanning as many of my tear pages I can find..I figured it was about time to add it's own section to my website. Please check it out and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Trying something new.

Sometimes when I hit a creative block I gravitate to old inspiration, which have included a lot of films. One of my favorite filmmakers of all time is Samuel Fuller, director of the Naked Kiss and Shock Corridor (PLEASE rent these movies if you haven't seen them. The Naked Kiss is also available on YouTube here). While watching the Naked Kiss for the umpteenth time the other day I decided to do a fun shoot inspired by the film. I have been wanting to experiment with angles and light lately, so this was a perfect self-assignment. Also the next thisisaphotoblog assignment is to experiment with black and white, so I thought I could kill two birds with one stone. I shot with an SLR and Holga. Below is the SLR. The Holga film will be ready on Thursday and assuming it comes out okay will be posted in a few days. Many thanks to Ollie and Caleb for being amazing models as always.

Please click on images to enlarge.